Eigenvalue Perturbation Theorem: Hoffman-Wielandt Inequality

We are interested in the question: say matrix A is perturbed by a small matrix E, how much do the eigenvalues of the perturbed matrix A+E deviate from the eigenvalues of A?

The Hoffman-Wielandt inequality answers this question. Roughly, it tells us that the eigenvalues of a symmetric (actually only need to be normal) matrix enjoy a strong stability under small perturbations in its entries.

Hoffman-Wielandt Inequality

Let A,E be n×n real and symmetric square matrices. Let λ1,,λn be the eigenvalues of A in some given order; and let λ^1,,λ^n be the eigenvalues of A+E in some given order. There is a permutation σ() of the indexes 1,,n such that


Here E22 denotes the Frobenius norm of matrix E.


Let Λ=diag(λ1,,λn) and Λ^=diag(λ^1,,λ^n). Let V,W be n×n orthonormal matrices such that the diagonalization of A and A+E are


Because the Frobenius norm is invariant when multiplying an orthogonal matrix, we calculate


where we denote UWV. The entris of U are denoted as uij

Since Λ^,Λ are diagonal matrices, we have


Thus their difference is


Because U is the multiplication of two orthonormal matrices, the matrix whose entries are uij2 is doubly stochastic. A doubly stochastic matrix is a square matrix of nonnegative entries, each of whose rows and columns sums to 1. Therefore, E22 must be larger than the following quantity

mini,j=1n(λ^iλj)2uij2subject toi=1nuij2=j=1nuij2=1

We can ponder about it for a while or just take Birkhoff's theorem off the shelf, which states this minimum is attained when uij2 constitute a permutation matrix. A permutation matrix refers to a matrix where uij2 is either 0 or 1 and satisfies the above equality, i.e., rows and columns sum to 1. When uij2 constitute a permutation matrix, the sum can be written as


where σ() is a permutation of 1,,n. This completes the proof.


Actually, for a real and symmetric matrix, the permutation σ() is the natural permutaion where we arrange the eigenvalues by descending order. Stating more formally, we have


if λ^1,,λ^n are arranged by descending order and so are λ1,,λn.


Chapter 6.3 of this book:

Horn, R. A., & Johnson, C. R. (2012). Matrix analysis. Cambridge university press.

© Yedi Zhang | Last updated: September 2024